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If you're passionate about your spelling, my work is for you. The best spelling for Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer and Mac OS X for Australians, is the preferred Australian English spelling. My old open source work is used by millions of Australians as the dictionary used in Google Chrome, Firefox and many open source projects. My latest and best work is now available here. You owe it to yourself and your writing, to use the best tools possible.
The Apple Mac comes with an built-in Australian English dictionary. However many people end up not being happy with Apple's Australian English dictionary as it contains words which many don't consider to be the primary Australian English spelling. This problem is not unique to Apple and affects many programs which originate from overseas. The preferred Australian English spelling dictionary has been built from the ground up over a number of years. Words are checked against the leading authoritative dictionaries used in Australia and further checked against actual usage in Australia. By beginning from scratch it has been possible to build a quality dictionary and not include the rubbish that may exist in an existing list of words previously created. NOTE: The preferred Australian English Spelling dictionary is a work in progress. Whilst it is sufficient to meet the needs of many people there is still work to go. Should you find omissions or even disagree with a particular word, you are welcome to submit words for review and inclusion or removal. This is the preferred Australian English spelling dictionary built for Australians by an Australian. The following are the type of problems found in the current Australian dictionary provided with the Apple Mac.
The preferred Australian English Spelling dictionary made available on this page provides a solution to these problems and provides you the easiest way to use the preferred Australian English spelling on an Apple Mac OS X computer. Copyright The file and instructions provided are copyright with all rights reserved. No redistribution is permitted. The file and instructions are not to be used for any other purpose. The file you receive is only licensed to you personally for your use and is not to be used by anyone else. If you have a second computer you can install the file on that computer as long as you are the sole user on both computers. A second licence is required if there is more than one person using the computer. I ask people to be fair and respect the considerable amount of time I've put into creating the preferred Australian spelling resources for Australians. I've been creating resources since 2003 with an average revenue of around $200 a year. I should have called it quits years ago but I believe every copy sold is helping a person with their writing, in the same way the preferred Australian spelling has helped me. Companies wishing to use the file on more than one computer should purchase a copy for each computer. If a large number of computers are to be covered, please contact me to arrange for purchasing a licence for each computer. Purchase NOTE: The dictionary for Apple Mac computers is no longer available Purchase instructions Click on Buy Now button to purchase the file. On receipt of your purchase details I will personally send you an email with installation instructions and the preferred Australian English Spelling dictionary file. Please note: Due to the low cost of the file it is not possible to include free support. Should you require assistance with the file, paid support is available on request. Disclaimer |
I hope you find the the preferred Australian Spelling dictionary file useful. A JustLocal friend. |
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